• Sienna Terranova, LPF, CICC, CBHT


    Sienna is an ordained interfaith spiritual leader and community organizer. As an underground guide, she maintained an active practice for 15 years and witnessed firsthand the incredible healing potential available through safe and supported psilocybin use. Sienna is a well-known psilocybin advocate and educator in Oregon and was an activist for the creation of appropriate and equitable, legal access to sacred plant and fungi medicines.

    As the legal system was being created in Oregon, Sienna was invited to serve on the Rules Advisory Committee at Oregon Psilocybin Services, Oregon Health Authority. Her advice and expertise supported the process to launch the nation’s first psilocybin facilitator licensure program, tested products, and legal access service centers. She joined Bodhi Academy and helped craft the curriculum while serving as Lead Instructor and Practicum Supervisor, resulting in a comprehensive and rigorous training program that elegantly strikes the balance between science and spirit. She teaches the theory, methods, and practice of guided psilocybin support, dosing considerations for individuals and groups, cultural sensitivity, and honoring the global ancestral traditions of sacred plants.

    Sienna serves as the National Manager of the Facilitation and Guide Team at Moksha Journeys, a legal psilocybin services company headquartered in Ashland, Oregon with services in every legal state. As a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator, she was among the first practitioners in the world to be licensed by a state agency to provide professional psilocybin services. She provides supervision and training to Guides and Facilitators and collaborates with an interdisciplinary team of experts to develop, design, and implement retreat programs focused on the healing and spiritual exploration of psilocybin in facilitated sessions. She is an expert in psychedelic preparation and integration methods.

    Sienna holds certifications as an Integral Consciousness Coach and Behavioral Health Technician. She is part of the leadership team at Transcendence, the nation’s first, 28-day, psilocybin-assisted, addiction recovery retreat program. She coordinates with a multidisciplinary group of specialists, manages client services, and provides direct client care to individuals involved in an intensive and transformative process of healing and change.

  • Anthony Smith, PhD


    Anthony is a biochemist, teacher, and public speaker with an intense passion for helping individuals and organizations reach their highest potential. At a very early age, he unknowingly began his journey to experience and understand human consciousness. This was, in part, due to his own unexplainable mystical experiences and a natural, driving thirst for metaphysical knowledge. His background in scientific research, business development and an untiring zeal for optimum health and human performance gives him a very unique perspective on the Human Experience. 

    Anthony earned his Ph.D. in Molecular & Cellular Biology from Oregon State University in 2005, where he built an impressive research program working at OSU’s prestigious Linus Pauling Institute. While there, he investigated the molecular mechanisms of aging in the cardiovascular system and developed several advancements in nutritional biochemistry that mitigate age-related molecular damage and published numerous research articles on the subject. After graduation, he worked in various sectors of biotechnology, natural product chemistry, and intellectual property development. During this time, he built and sold two biotechnology businesses while managing his own consulting firm. 

    Anthony is a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator and Certified Psilocybin Guide at Moksha Journeys where he facilitates administration sessions at retreats and serves as a member of the neurowellness team. Anthony is a Lead Instructor at Bodhi Academy– helping to teach others about this important work and healing opportunities. He teaches the neuroscience and chemistry of psilocybin and shares expert insights on the latest research and clinical studies highlighting the many benefits of psilocybin for holistic health and wellbeing.

  • Rose Moulin-Franco, LPF, CPC, CICMC


    Rose is the Founder and Program Director of Bodhi Academy. She co-created and oversees a unique, consciousness-based curriculum that addresses total person care for professional guides and facilitators. She also serves as a lead practicum supervisor for the program’s 100-hour supervised practicum.

    Rose is the Founder and Executive Director of Moksha Journeys, a legal psilocybin services company located in Ashland, Oregon. She was among the first to be awarded state credentials as a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator. She holds certifications as a Psilocybin Guide, Professional Coach, and Integral Consciousness Master Coach. She is a former outpatient treatment center owner and psychotherapist who has found the path of conscious awakening to be the only enduring cure for human suffering. She specializes in the use of non-ordinary states of awareness to support recovery from post-traumatic stress, substance use disorders, and other entrenched cyclic patterns and challenges.

    Rose is a special matter expert in post-traumatic stress and substance and alcohol use recovery methods and programs, and the use of psychoactive plant medicines for ceremony, healing, personal exploration, mystical experience, and shifting consciousness in beneficial and enduring ways. She served as a member of the Rules Advisory Committee on Facilitator Conduct, Preparation, Administration, and Integration at the invitation of Oregon Psilocybin Service, Oregon Health Authority. She serves as an expert consultant on standards of care for professional guides and facilitators, the application of rules and regulations in the field of psilocybin services, and best practices to support clients to achieve effective and meaningful transformation. She is a leader in the emerging, national ecosystems for supported adult use and harm reduction for psychedelics.

    Rose has developed and taught a variety of personal development, spiritual exploration, and holistic living courses, books, and video programs, including a complete course of training in the Western Mystical Traditions, offered through her non-profit temple of consciousness, Enlightened Life Sanctuary. She has lived in India with a variety of lineage teachers and received empowerment to teach the paths of Tamil Siddha, Shakta Kaula Tantra, and Advaita. She is dedicated to serving the liberation of human consciousness and the establishment of enlightened life on earth.

  • Prema Sagara, LPF


    Prema is a clinical herbalist, clinical nutritionist, and Ayurvedic practitioner with traditional and clinical expertise in natural medicines. He studied with the late Dr. Robert Marshall, President of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutrition, and Dr. Linda Forbes in the specialty of herbal and botanical medicines and has been teaching holistic wellness classes and seminars for more than a decade. His traditional approach to natural medicine is synthesized with the best of modern biochemical and scientific approaches. 

    Prema has been immersed in the study and use of psychedelics for many years, including experiences with authentic Huachuma ceremony facilitated by a lineage holder of the Q’ero tribe in Peru. With part indigenous blood from his native Central American mother, he recognizes native cultural traditions as baseline approaches for healing and transformation with psychoactive plant medicines. 

    Prema is a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator in the State of Oregon and holds certification as a Psilocybin Guide from Bodhi Academy. He serves as a Primary Facilitator at Moksha Journeys, a legal psilocybin services company, and provides professional care for individuals, couples, and groups in retreat settings. Prema is on the leadership team at Moksha Journeys as the Clinical Director of Holistic Neurowellness. He is a faculty member at Bodhi Academy, teaching holistic wellness considerations for psilocybin services, traditional and indigenous practices with sacred medicine plants, and dosing/dose ranges for effective and beneficial psilocybin experiences.

  • Rachael Fox Feather, CPG, CST


    Rachael Fox Feather is a Certified Sound Therapist with extensive training under the guidance of Rainer Michaelis, PhD of Heaven of Sound and other mentors in the healing arts across the world. In her clinical sound therapy practice, she harnesses the transformative power of healing frequencies through Himalayan singing bowls, kotamo, and various therapeutic instruments.

    With a diverse skill set, Rachael serves as a meditation facilitator, professional intuitive, musician, ceremonialist, and practitioner of Reiki and Resonant Energy Medicine. Drawing from over 14 years of intentional studies and over 1000 hours of education in alternative healing practices, she has undertaken apprenticeships in herbal medicine, astrology, shamanism, and the arts.

    Rachael's calling to holistic healing has connected her to the sacred plant medicine traditions, and she was the first Certified Psilocybin Guide to graduate from Bodhi Academy in 2022. She works as a Primary Guide on the Moksha Journeys Colorado team where she also serves as a Ceremonial Medicine Woman at retreats and gatherings. Rachael works as a Sound Therapist during psilocybin retreats, providing support for integration and administration sessions. Her private practice is located in Denver, Colorado, where she specializes in the treatment of neurological disorders, trauma, and addiction. She is on the Faculty of Bodhi Academy and shares her deep knowledge of the neuroscience of sound and music and insights into their uses in psilocybin services.

  • Ben Randolph, CPG, RSPS, MHPS


    Ben received his certification as a Certified Psilocybin Guide from Bodhi Academy.  He serves as a member of the Colorado Guide team at Moksha Journeys, a legal psilocybin services collective of professionally trained guides and facilitators. He provides program development, professional coaching, sober companionship, intervention, and psilocybin services for Transcendence, the nation’s first 28-day, psilocybin-assisted, recovery retreat program in Oregon.

    Ben is an experienced group facilitator, recovery coach, and peer support specialist who has worked in a variety of mental health and addiction recovery settings. He also holds certifications in NLP Coaching, Modern Applied Psychology, Addiction Intervention, and breathwork facilitation. Ben has his own lived experience using psychedelics to heal from substance use disorder and is passionate about incorporating these sacred natural medicines in recovery programs and in his private practice.

    Ben is a faculty member at Bodhi Academy. He shares his wisdom and experience in psilocybin-assisted addiction recovery and insights for the future of this compelling fungi as an integral part of recovery for everyone.